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Case Study


"Ramp Interactive far exceeded our expectations by demonstrating a deep understanding of our platform and API, offering exceptional consultancy on tools, topics, and release strategy, and delivering everything punctually and within budget.”

- Emma Dalzell, Head of B2B, Healthily

Services Provided:

  • Consultancy
  • Technical Documentation
  • Development


  • Review and recommend developer hub platform
  • Refactor existing OpenAPI specification
  • Create a developer portal including API reference, guides and tutorials
  • Develop a mechanism for third-parties to sign up to use the API


With the help of Ramp Interactive Healthily successfully launched a dedicated developer hub using Readme to provide a comprehensive resource for third-party developers interested in integrating their innovative Smart Symptom Checker into their own web or mobile applications.

Third-party partners who are interested in utilizing the API can easily sign up on the platform, gaining access to a wealth of resources that will guide them through the integration process.

In providing the developer hub, Healthily has demonstrated its commitment to fostering collaboration and streamlining the integration process, empowering third-party developers to leverage Healthily's Smart Symptom Checker within their own applications.

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